Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania
The Prime Minister's Office

Tanzania Commission for AIDS

Tanzania Commission for AIDS


    1. To formulate policy guidelines for response of HIV and AIDS epidemic in Tanzania mainland
    2. To develop strategic framework for planning all HIV and AIDS control programs
    3. To foster national and international linkages among stakeholders
    4. To mobilize, disburse and monitor resources
    5. To share information on HIV and AIDS epidemic
    6. To promote high level advocacy on HIV and AIDS
    7. To monitor and evaluate all on going HIV and AIDS activities
    8. To facilitate efforts to find a cure, access to treatment and care and develop vaccines for HIV intervention
    9. To protect human and communal rights of people infected with HIV
    10. Government on all matters related to HIV and AIDS control in TZ Mainland

    11. To identify obstacles to implementation of HIV and AIDS prevention policies and programs

    12. To supervise all activities related to HIV and AIDS epidemic control

    13. To perform any other activities related to HIV and AIDS prevention a

    14.To promote positive living for PLHIVs

    15. To advice and control as Commission may deem necessary